Office of Compliance

The mission of the Office of Compliance is to promote compliant and ethical conduct with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

We strive to create the framework for a culture of integrity, accountability and commitment to the community through training, guidance, and regular communication.

Education and Training

The Office of Compliance designs and facilitates required, annual Compliance and Ethics training for all faculty and staff. Recorded training sessions are available for viewing through our faculty and staff portal.

For questions regarding AWSOM compliance or to request training sessions, please contact us.

Reporting a Concern

Employees and students are expected to conduct business with integrity and in full compliance with laws, regulations, and AWSOM operating policies and procedures. Voicing concerns about non-compliant or unethical behavior is essential to providing a safe and secure environment for all members of our community.


How to report suspicion of non-compliant or unethical behavior

Compliance Hotline

Submit concerns anonymously or with optional contact information via our Compliance Hotline:

Call our toll-free number: 877-842-1250


Faculty, Staff, and Stakeholders:

Submit a Report


Submit a Report


The Compliance Hotline is a toll-free, 24-hour resource managed by an independent, third-party, and may be used to report a variety of ethical, integrity, safety, security and compliance concerns by anyone, including, but not limited to, students, faculty, staff, patients, vendors, contractors, and visitors.

Disclosure within or outside AWSOM may be required by law or may be necessary in order to enforce AWSOM’s policies. However, disclosure, if any, will only be made to those persons with a legitimate need to know the information.

Individuals providing good-faith reports of compliance concerns and information regarding possible illegal activities on campus are protected from retaliation and retribution.


Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.


Pregnancy and Parenting

Pregnant and parenting students are protected from discrimination and provided reasonable accommodations and support.

Pregnancy and Parenting Information