Pregnancy and Parenting

Balancing pregnancy or parenthood with the academic rigor of medical school can be challenging. In our commitment to empowering future physicians to care for their patients as well as themselves, the Office of Compliance is here to support students with resources and accommodations.


Title IX Protections

Consistent with our obligations under Title IX, AWSOM protects pregnant and parenting students from discrimination and provides reasonable accommodations to students based on pregnancy or other related conditions. This support extends to students during postpartum recovery, including recovery from childbirth, loss of pregnancy, and other medically necessary conditions related to pregnancy.


Reasonable Accommodations

We offer individualized support and reasonable accommodations based on each unique situation and doctor’s recommendations. Some examples of accommodations for students may include, but are not limited to:

  • Reviewing lectures online
  • Rescheduling of tests or exams
  • A larger desk
  • Breaks during class, as needed
  • On-Campus lactation rooms
  • Assignment of an Incomplete grade, if eligible​
  • Allowing “Withdrawal” with refund, if eligible
  • Submitting work after a deadline missed due to pregnancy or childbirth​



Office of Compliance

Meet the team and learn about AWSOM’s compliance policies and how to report a concern.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.